Stop And Smell The Roses

I’m learning about all the ways to nourish yourself, find inner peace…and incorporate balance into your life.

Sometimes you gotta just -stop- and smell the roses, so to speak. When we slow down, we create time and space for ourselves…to grow, to experience the wonderment of life ~ to flourish!

This weekend, see if you can create some time for a hobbie or a passion of yours. Or maybe this will be a time for something you’ve wanted to try, but haven’t gotten around to doing.

I absolutely love nature…but I also LOVE photography. So, I decided I would bust out my camera and capture one of the sweetest things about summer: flowers!!


What are some things you love to do? What sparks your creativity?


What fun thing could you do for hours and hours on end…not knowing where the time went?

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Posted in Inspiration, Optimal Health
3 comments on “Stop And Smell The Roses
  1. Marina says:

    This post reminded me of our walks on Ocean Ave…I miss you! xoxo

  2. Trish says:

    What a joy this morning to be among your beautiful flowers. Thank you for the uplifting photos and bringing sunshine to the screen.

Leave me a comment or any other helpful info!

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